Implicit bias 13


The intervention has become attractive to the experts
The scenario could be more plentiful
Static web has restrained the final effect compared with dynamic website
There could be an internet forum section for participants to have more engagements with out groups More precise descriptions of appearance are required
I am happy to see people are waking up to their inner bias and trying to be in touch with story providers The intervention needs to be updated frequently to construct participants’ cognition

One participant have told me about an idea to set up a forum if am going to establish a dynamic web in the future instead of share the result online. He suggests me to consider gathering people from out groups to join the forum. And it can become a perfect place for people to communicate and look for counterexamples.

There also could be a unconscious bias training section. But it would require experts to join in. Implicit bias training will give participants the skills that they need to manage and overcome their own implicit biases.

As we mentioned before, restraining implicit bias or stereotype requires repeated process and long periods. So the web must be updated and renewed frequently to receive constant inputs to remain the effect. And there are some participants suggesting me to broaden the scenarios and characters.

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