Implicit bias 12

Test with stakeholder

I have invited about 10 persons in total. All of them are volunteers I found on instagram. I am surprised that nearly half are willing to send me emails with their codes. So here are the comments after I post their viewpoints:

There is an example that really impresses me. The participant has chosen a guy who she assumed that would be a good foster father. And the reason was that he was white and well-dressed. I have got some responses online. A girl told me a story about his cousin-in-law, who was a successful lawyer and father of two kids. He was found a violent pedophilia after divorced with his wife.

Nearly all participants have received responses. Stories told by real persons obviously have stronger impact to them. And I suggest participants to exchange emails with providers if they are willing to. 

I am more than flattered to see that participants replied to my email. It has impacted their cognition and bias. One participant is willing to be in touch with the story provider. I wish this new friendship would further contribute to intervention.

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