Intervention concept 4:

This could be played as a little party/drinking game. And it is a combination of education, awareness and finding exceptions. Basically, I have collected data of a bunch of people, who could be criminals, normal citizens or excellent enterprisers etc. I would give each of them a mark which is a total of two different marks-personal and social. Personal mark means his/her personal happiness and satisfaction, while social represents his/her contribution or harm to society or others. All marks will be made by me based on real data that collected online. There might be some deviation, especially on personal feelings. But I set this game to normal people, I will assume the result is made from normal being’s point of view.

Each person’s photo will be printed on playing card. There will be a number representing the card. People need to refer to the notebook to know further details and reasons. The marks and background story will be demonstrated on the notebook.

Every turn participants would need to pick 5 persons who they assume have the lowest/highest points. In another word, they need to choose five guys who look most evil or noble. Five marks need to be added up. The person who get the lowest/highest mark is the winner. Similarly, if your mark is higher/lower than anyone else, you lose the game.


MARK: -8

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