Invite people from different age and profession groups, and restyle them in accordance with their preference. The comparison has to be clear and distinct.

For example:

The ‘before and after’ photos need to be printed separately and bound together in book form. There will be several blank pages behind each photo left to be filled in stories that readers assume is real, including their age, occupation & sex orientation etc.

After finishing the story book, I will invite people who haven joined the experiment to an introduction party. They will get to know the real face and story of each model demonstrated in every page and check with them whether their assumption is accurate.


I asked some of my friends, only a few of them could be available to be the models. And it is not easy to hold a party or event that everybody can attend together.


It is now very popular for young people to make friends online. And mostly when people use the apps like Tinder or Tantan, they choose and judge others by their looks in photos.

I have been been quite familiar with these apps as I used some of them. I met some interesting people who are way more attractive than their pictures, however, few have very outstanding profiles but look very dull in real life. Also, my friend told me a story that he met a man who dressed up like a girl. He was shocked because obviously he wants to date a women just as the photos. I think it could be a good tool to text strangers’ assumption and verify internet falsity.

I could find and match different people and record their impression towards me. we could have a drink and I would love to listen what they think I am like, as well as other people like my friend, colleges and even strangers. Also, I would exchange my view about what he/she is like to me with them. I will be interested to know what details give them certain assumption and the reason behind it.

Disadvantage :

It would took to much time to match people online. Not much people are willing to join as they are here to meet partners or sex partners. And it will cost me too much to pay the dinner, drinks and tax fees.

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